My Life in Technology
I was there at the beginning
Robert O. Reese, PhD.
Harry and Donna Peck
Donna and Harry Peck’s general book review.
Dear Bob and Joann,
I just read with pleasure your very interesting book. Harry and I discussed later that we found the fact that you have lived such an extra ordinary life to be a blessing. What adventures you’ve had! It’s amazing the very things we use now a days can trace their roots to our very own corner of the world.
Sometimes, with these types of books, the subjects can be quite exciting, but written dully. That is not the case here-the writing was clear, concise, and fun. We really enjoyed seeing the pictures of your family. We would highly recommend this book to anyone with an interest in technology, its history, and want to learn about it in a fascinating way.
Thanks for the opportunity,
Harry & Donna Peck
Chuck & Peggy Hunter, my good friends.
Chuck & Peggy’s general book review.
What a wonderful surprise it was when I found a package from you on near our front door ! Chuck had told me you were writing a book and that you wanted him to read it. He has not read it yet, but I read it cover to cover!
I enjoyed learning about your early life and the things that shaped your foundations for life. Your time in Korea was very interesting to me. My stepfather was born in 1928, and he saw action in Korea. But he never talked about his time there …. no descriptions of the place, nothing about how he got there or got home.
I loved the photos of your children and your beautiful granddaughters. One of my favorite parts of the book was your trip to Germany.
The technical parts of the book were eye opening for me. I can’t say that I fully understood the depth of a lot of the technical terms, but I surly respect how you used your talents and abilities in each job that you had, and how your creativity played a role in so many areas of our daily lives that we now take for granted. Truly, you were there at the beginning.
Your documentation with photos and your recall for detail, both technically and socially, were amazing.
You told your story with candor, honesty, and humor. You and Joann are great examples of hard work, dedication, and devotion.
Thank you for sending us the autographed copy. If Chuck is not up to reading for himself, I will start reading the book to him. Thank you again for sending the book,
Much Love,
Dr. Decillis, Ph.D.
Dr. Decilli’s formal critique of the book.
A remarkable overview of the rapid evolution of various technologies through the 20th century seen through the lens of a personal account. Personal milestones and experiences serve primarily to help anchor the development and implementation of the various systems described in considerable detail. It is likely that the personal, political, and economic considerations that went into the development and implementation of some of these technologies will come as a surprise to people who overlook the research and work that goes in behind the scenes. The extensive documentation and images are an effective part of the narrative. The language is polished. What makes this narrative work is the degree of detail that you can present at each stage. In combination with the extensive visual documentation, the text walks the reader through not only the technologies themselves, but the problem solving that went into their development and implementation.
Dr. Decilli